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Thursday, 29 January 2015

Episode 15

I'm sorry I'm late. Unfortunately, unavoidable circumstances can rarely be avoided. This isn't a joke. So remember fish don't grow on trees.

The password is "guess"

episode 15 : a longish episode from ThegirlfromAnkyra on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Episode 14 : Newcomb's paradox

... Or Newcomb's not technically a paradox.

Maybe a dillemma?

The password is "guess"

episode 14 : Something that is infinitely cool and that doesn't have much to do with pop culture from ThegirlfromAnkyra on Vimeo.

So, are you a one boxer or a two boxer?
 Leave your answer in the comments.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Episode 13 : Bah! Peanuts!

While one might debate the faithfulness and cuteness of dogs, we all know of a certain beagle that could capture all of our hearts.

This is not a video about him.
This video is about the ohsomuchcooler Linus.

The password is "guess"

episode 13 : Linus rules! from ThegirlfromAnkyra on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Episode 12

In a dark time of year with no movies and tv shows on break, only one thing can save us from absolute boredom : Joss Whedon shows.
 The password is "guess".

episode 12 : a compliment to the whedonverse from ThegirlfromAnkyra on Vimeo.

So if you're coming home from a hard day or at home because of the snow like me - yay!- why don't you relax and watch some Buffy